Title of the communication: Maximum ten words. No abbreviations.

Authors: Name and two surnames of each author. The affiliation is identified with a number after the last surname. Do not use capital letters. Example: María José Tijeras Úbeda1, Carlos López López2, Inmaculada Gallego Serrano2, Jesús Langa Valdivieso2, and Carmen Avilés Escudero3.

Affiliations: Separated by periods, they indicate the position of the author and the work center. Do not put everything in capital letters. Identical affiliations should not be repeated with different numbers. To avoid repetitions and duplications, the citation should be checked well without spelling mistakes, which duplicate the same affiliation.
Example: 1Family Physician. La Cañada Health Center. Almería. 2Family and Community Medicine Resident Physician. UGC Almería Periferia. Almería. 3Family Physician. UGC Almería Periphery. Almería.


– Maximum length: 500 words.
– The text should not be written in capital letters.
– Within the same section (Objectives, Methods, Results, Conclusions) the text should be in a single paragraph (no line breaks or bullets).
– Use basic abbreviations in clinical tests (Rx, HDL, LDL…) but not in explanatory words in the text (tto, pte. left, right, dx…), which should be written in full.
– Periods, commas, colons and semicolons are followed by a space before the next word.
– Numerical test results should be separated by a semicolon or semicolon (not followed by a space). The number should be separated from the units of measurement.

Example: CRP 10.2 mg/dl, hematocrit 38.1%; hemoglobin 13.6 g/dl, NT-proBNP 4,891 pg/ml, platelets 152 × 109/L, glucose 97 mg/dl, urea 71 mg/dl, prothrombin activity 72%.

– Decimals should be indicated by commas and not by periods.
– Thousands should have a period (except for years).
– Tables should be in text format and not in image format.
– Texts should be in Word and not in PDF.

Bibliography:  A maximum of 10 references is accepted. They must follow Vancouver standards. It is important to maintain the order of presentation of the data.

Abstract categories:

  1. Medicine: IRCU and COVID
  2. Medicine: IRCU and non-COVID pathologies
  3. Physiotherapy, kinesiology and respiratory therapy at IRCU
  4. Nursing
  5. Psychology at IRCU

Deadline for submission: 18 January 2022

How to send: Abstracts should be sent through the form available at , in PDF format, one page long.

Languages of reception:Abstracts will be accepted in the official languages of the meeting (Spanish and English).

Subsequent evaluation: After receipt, abstracts will be sent to the person responsible for the evaluation of their category within the scientific committee.

Those selected will be contacted to make a one-minute recording, which will be posted on the event’s website and on social media.

Publication online and in IP5 magazine >

Awarding of prizes in 18 Febrary 2022